Planning for Retirement

We educate & guide you with expert, strategic advice to achieve your dream lifestyle.


Book your consultation today

We educate & guide you with expert strategic advice to achieve your dream lifestyle.

Your Future.

What we don’t want to hear you saying is “I wish we did this 10 years ago!” Starting your retirement planning in your early 50’s is the first step.

Clients that start planning early reap the following rewards:

– Worry less about whether their money will last throughout retirement.

– Have confidence they can afford the retirement lifestyle they have hoped for.

– Often have excess retirement income that they can reinvest.
– Are confident with their superannuation and how it’s invested
– Go into retirement fully prepared.
– Have peace of mind.



Goal Setting

– Assisting you in determining what you want your retirement lifestyle to look like.
– Helping you determine what action you need to take now to meet that lifestyle goal.
– Helping you determine when you can retire.


Wealth Creation

– Should you pay off your home loan or make additional super contributions?

– Should you invest in a super or in an investment outside of super.

– Should you utilise a Transition to Retirement strategy to minimise your income tax payable?  


Superannuation Review

– How should your super be invested?
– Growing your super and taking advantage of unused super contribution caps.
– Contribution splitting for couples.

– Reducing superannuation fees to assist with growth.



– Should you invest your surplus funds in the stock market, managed funds, or ETFs

– Is it better for you to invest in property or shares?


Financial Modeling

– How are you tracking and what will your retirement look like?

– Will you have enough retirement income?




– Will you be eligible for Centrelink and how much can you expect?

– Preparing your finances to maximise government benefits.



We are here to help.