Country Women’s Association

1 March 2011

The CWA of Australia is the largest women’s organisation in Australia with a membership of approx. 25,500 in 1500 branches around the States and Territory.

We aim to improve the conditions for  women and children and make life better for  families, especially those living in rural and remote Australia.

CWA is a self-funded, non party political and non-sectarian organisation who’s opinion is sought in many arenas. We maintain a strong working relationship with governments in all States and the Territory which shows a healthy respect for the “human face and grass roots perspective” which the C.W.A. of Australia has projected for over 70 years.

Submissions are made to all Governments on a wide variety of social issues. Members participate in preparing comments on proposed legislative changes which are then forwarded to appropriate Ministers.

 We award a scholarship for a nurse to undertake post graduate course to enable them to continue to work in a rural/remote community. This is funded from the sales of the Country Classics Cookbook.  At a state level scholarships are awarded to students in many different fields, ages and backgrounds including mature age women

The State CWA’s own a range of properties which have been built and maintained by members. Information of these can be obtained from the state websites.

Instruction is given and members take part in all crafts, drama, art, music, public speaking, cooking and floral art. Workshops are held to encourage older members to use computers, ATM’s and electronic banking and we pass on our skills to younger members of the community through schools.

The Association is represented Nationally on:

  • The National Rural Health Alliance
  • The National Rural Women’s Coalition
  • Farmsafe Australia
  • Agri-Foods Industry Skills Council
  • Consumers Telecommunications Network
  • Telstra Consumer Council
  • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Consumer Consultative Committee
  • Australian Communications Industry Forum
  • Food Safety Information Council
  • Food Standards Australia and New Zealand working groups
  • Personal Tax Advisory Group
  • Rural Education Forum Australia

CWA of Australia is a member of the Associated Country Women of the World, which has non-government organisation status at the United Nations. ACWW has over 9 million members in 62 countries around the world.

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