Step 1
Make a plan. Sit down with paper and pen and figure out what would constitute an ideal retirement for you. Things to think about include what the ideal retirement feels like and the kinds of things you would do. Decide on who you want as a part of your retirement-family, friends, new people. Let yourself dream, and then decide what is possible. Create a routine from your plan. You may have hoped to give up routines with your job, but a modified routine that supports retirement goals keeps boredom away.
Step 2
Reorganise your home to suit your new stage of life. Finish up all those chores you never had time for. Get rid of things you don’t use or need. If possible, plan a special space in which you can pursue your interests. Maybe a workshop, craft room, yoga space or meditation area fits your needs now.
Step 3
Focus on your health. Many people live 30 or more years after retirement. Making your health a top priority makes sense. Learn to cook healthy. Join a health club. You’ll be surprised at how many retirees you meet once everyone else goes to work. Start a walking program in your neighborhood, on park trials or in your area shopping mall.
Step 4
Think about all the interests you’ve flirted with during your lifetime. You probably had little time to pursue your interests then, but now is a great time to start hobbies or join groups in which you have an interest. Take a class in painting or photography. Join a book club, discussion group or travel group.
Step 5
Spend your time helping. You can find volunteer opportunities anywhere-libraries, museums, schools, hospitals, environmental groups. Not only can serving your community relieve boredom, but you might also make new friends.
Step 6
Learn something new. Enroll in computer classes at your local technical school. Many technical schools and community colleges also offer limited classes on a variety of topics, including Tai Chi, writing poetry and framing pictures. If you’ve always been interested in history, why not go back to college and study history. The numbers of retirees attending college has never been higher.
Step 7
Start a new career. If other opportunities leave your boredom intact, maybe you should consider a new career. Think about what you always wanted to do. You can learn more about starting a business from the Small Business Administration.
Links to different volunteering organisations in Cairns:
Conservation Volunteers
FNQ Wildlife Rescue
*Sourced from eHow- How to Videos and Articles